Schmitte Biebertal zum Tode verurteilt


Es könnte kein treffenderes Bild für dieses Gebäude geben.

Die Schmitte bei Biebertal ist ein wunderschönes Hofgut am Ortsrand von Biebertal für das zum Erhalt eine Stiftung eingerichtet werden sollte. Mangels Geld wurde die Gründung der Stiftung richterlich untersagt.

Zum Hintergrund:
Hintergrund zur Schmitte-Erbschaft: Die Baronin van der Hoop hatte das Einrichten einer Stiftung verfügt und für diese auch Vorstände benannt. Ihr letzter Wille war, das seit 1974 denkmalgeschützte Ensemble als Einheit zu erhalten sowie dessen weitere Nutzung gemäß der jahrhundertealten Tradition als Stätte des Arbeitens, Wohnens und Schaffens, samt Öffnung für ein interessiertes Publikum und für Forschung und Lehre.

am Ende des Lichts

am Ende des Lichts by spiegellos
am Ende des Lichts, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

the last roll Tri X with the Leica IIIf. I like the very unique look of this combination. Tri X 400 with the old Summitar is real winner IMHO. I enjoy the IIIf very much. The negativ was scanned with a coolscan 4000 and a little PP in Lightroom.

simple stair in Wetzlar

simple stair in Wetzlar by spiegellos
simple stair in Wetzlar, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.
The Leica M 8.2 is now my first camera and I am very happy with the camera. Ease of use is very simple and holding this great piece of camera in my hands I just amazing. The look of the pictures is less digital than that of the GXR m-mount. Per pixel sharpness is the best I have seen today even better than my old Canon 5D. In combination with my Elmarit 28 2.8 asph the sharpness is insane – I have never seen such a detail in 10 mpix sensor.


Alpenstillife by spiegellos
Alpenstillife, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

one of the first picture with my new M8.2. Shot was made in Austria Elmarit 28 asph was on the camera. Black and white ist very great with this camera but the most impressive thing ist the extreme sharpness of this combination. Color workflow is not perfect IMHO. Fuji produces better color but my workflow has to improve with the Leica. At first I am quite happy with my new old Leica. A review is coming.

Leicaflex SL II

Leicaflex SL II by spiegellos
Leicaflex SL II, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

Now reactivated.

old door

old door by spiegellos
old door, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

This foto was made with a Leicaflex SL II and a Summicron R 35. The film was a Fuji Provia 100 scanned with Nikon Coolscan 4000ED. I was quite impressed by the sharpness and the distinktive look. Film for me still rocks and it fun time by time. I had made the same picture with the GXR and the same lens. I will show you next time.

think !

think ! by spiegellos
think !, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

it´s sometimes amazing what a children to with their fingers when they look tv. Black and white conversation with a file from Roch GXR A12 50mm. It is an outstanding lens IMO.


smile (1 von 1) by spiegellos
smile , a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

Today´s best shot with the Ricoh GXR m-module and an old Leitz Elmar 90 f4 m39. Phili was running around and it was a real challenge to take sharp shot. But the smile in his face playing with me was worth teh challenge.

Ricoh GXR m-mount with Elmarit R 135 2.8

Ricoh GXR m-mount by spiegellos
Ricoh GXR m-mount, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

This a pictures was shot with the old Elmarit R 135 2.8. wide open. Exceptional sharpness and detail.

Leica IIIf

Leica IIIf by spiegellos
Leica IIIf, a photo by spiegellos on Flickr.

This my little IIIf. The camera is in mint condition and is able to keep nice pictures 61 years after the cameras was built. I am not sure we can say this for the digital M in 61 years.
